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  • Writer's pictureAlina Smith

What Are The Main Causes Of Cellulite?

Cellulite, the name which has made everyone worried regarding their bodies. People think the orange peel like structure or the dimpled like structure on our thighs, butts and arm joints is the cellulite. But in reality the structure is formed because of the fascia the connective tissue in our body. This tissue is present underneath our skin.

The structure of this connective tissue is just like a web of a spider. It is present in our whole body. Ashley black an American physiotherapist has written a book on this connective tissue. Named as “The cellulite myth” It is one of the most selling books on the Amazon.

When this tissue becomes distorted it appears on the thighs and butts. The distortion of this connective tissue takes place because of many reasons.

It is very important to keep the good amount of cellulite in our body otherwise the shine of the body will not be there. There are some main causes of cellulite by which it becomes extra, in our body.

Main causes of cellulite

Hormonal changes: estrogen in women is the hormone which is one of the main reasons of the cellulite increase in the body. During puberty changes the cellulite got increase in girls and with age it increases in the body.

Unhealthy diets: nowadays there are so many varieties in food. Most of the people like to eat the fast food which is mainly unhealthy for our body. This food increases the level of cellulite in our body.

Lack of exercises: nowadays technology decreases our physical work but due to this we do not do any physical work and due to which we are unable to burn the calories we intake in our food. To burn this calorie we need to do exercises. Lack of exercises is also one reason of having cellulite body.

These are three main causes of cellulite, so you must avoid these things to get rid of cellulite. To know more about the problem related to cellulite and the best cellulite treatment visit us.

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